What is the Blue Electricity Bulletin?

What is the Blue Electricity Bulletin?

What is the Blue Electricity Bulletin?

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Blue electricity bulletin; What is it and who grants?

When talking about newsletter , Any of them! The white bulletin or the blue electricity bulletin is a mandatory document in the Spanish territory, you know who issues it? Do you know how to get it? There are really many aspects that you must take into account when you need to have in order all the legal requirements of the property. Many people do not know When is the electrical installation certificate necessary? It is important to keep in mind that as a general rule, the electricity certificate or electrical bulletin is requested by the electric distributors, who are responsible for the supply points in a given area. This could be; increase the power, register a supply point, modify the electrical installation, or when there has been a power outage.

Meet the blue electricity bulletin

It is important that you are up to date with all the requirements and documentation regarding the electricity service. One of the most requested is the blue electricity bulletin which can be done by any electrician, professional who is certified, this in the case of the installation take less than a year off. After this time, you can now make a new registration and obtain a white bulletin that also includes the installation certificate, as well as the technical design memory and both single-line and situation diagrams.

This is the bulletin of recognition of electrical installations or BRIE, which is in turn known as the Blue Electricity certificate or blue electricity bulletin , it is necessary to learn to differentiate it from the certificate CIE electrical installations, both complementary and necessary documents in Spain. Having the blue bulletin guarantees that your electrical installation is in order with the security measures considered mandatory for the proper functioning of the electrical energy in accordance with the current national regulations. Thus, the relevant authorities maintain control and order ensuring, at all times of the facilities, and that these are in good condition, being at the same time a preventive to avoid future incidents.

The blue electricity bulletin can be certified by an authorized electrician, you must have at your disposal a professional, who can be hired in a particular way and will be a cost that will be set by the company of electricity to which it corresponds, so it is recommended that you request several quotes if you choose this alternative. In the present internet it has become an essential ally to find technicians specializing in emergency services and you can access a professional that will provide you with your certificate quickly.

Previously it was known only as a blue bulletin, but it was in the month of November, in 2014 when this indispensable document changed its name, becoming the electrical recognition bulletin, that’s why they might ask you if you have the BRIE … Well The reason is that his name was modified very recently.

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